Want to help your children develop their problem-solving skills?
Want to look for new challenges for your children instead of having them glued to their electronic devices?
Feel that your children are too pampered and think that it’s time for them to learn to deal with failures in a safe and fun setting?
Want to train your children’s patience?
Chess brings many benefits and could be the game that your children are looking for. Give your children a chance to learn the game and benefit from the lessons this game teaches!
“Nervous energy is the ammunition we take into any mental battle. If you don’t have enough of it, your concentration will fade. If you have a surplus, the results will explode.”
Chess Course
The Course will introduce the history of chess, the basic of chess (e.g. piece movement, value of pieces, basic concepts underlying the opening, the middlegame and the endgame), offer opportunities for kids to play chess against one another, and highlight some chess principles which can be applied to different aspects of life. The Course is designed to be entertaining and amusing and you will be surprised by how much kids can learn in one course!
Suitable for kids of 6 years old or above.
Contact us here to find out more information.